November Recap and December Plans

The Vault Member Digest #2

Hey hey Vault Member!

Soooo, it’s December already!

If you’re in a pinch for new revenue, my suggestion would be to focus on open deals in your pipeline (or revisit past prospects).

These are the people who are more likely to close before the end of the new year.

I also recommend taking advantage of the fact that most people reduce their outbound efforts from the end of Nov to early Jan.

You can do this be starting conversations with as many prospects that fit your ideal profile as possible.

Aim for an achievable amount of new messages sent each day. This could be 5, 10 or 20 (I try and hit 20 per day) new prospects that you reach out to.

LinkedIn would be the fastest way to do this. Start a people search and add in the job title or keyword you want to focus on. Then select “1st Connections” - boom - you have a list to work through.

If you haven’t messaged them within the last 30 days, then it’s fair game. Check out the LinkedIn Outreach Templates for inspiration.

Ok, now the updates…

November Recap

It was a productive month after officially launching The Vault in mid-November.

Up until then, a lot of my time had been populating The Vault with my existing content and resources.

However, I still managed to add or update these 10+ resources:

Plans for December

I’ve have an equally busy schedule for December in order to add even more value to The Vault.

Here’s what I have planned:

  • Courses

    • Rapid List Building

    • The Growth Engine (3-10 clients)

  • Playbooks

    • How to Repurpose Podcast and Webinar Videos Using AI

    • Using Webinars to Increase Brand Awareness and Generate Leads

And of course any new tech worth noting and some video tutorials.

I’m most likely going to add all of the above before Friday 20th December.

A few final bits from me:

  1. If you’re free today at 5pm UK time, join me for the inaugural Office Hours. RSVP here.

  2. If you have any feedback or comments on The Vault, please share that with me here.

  3. If you know anyone that would value the resources and support from The Vault, please do share the website with them:

Ok, that’s a wrap. Have an awesome week!
